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The Almighty Dragon General Chapter 5551

The Almighty Dragon General Chapter 5551-Without needing James’ command, Qairo, Yered, Talvelai, and Jurryt teleported and re-emerged in front of their group. The four of them stood side by side with some distance between each other, facing the Yefteros.

Xayvion’s eyes blazed with murderous intent as he watched those four.


As soon as he said that, Xayvion rushed forward and conjured another three clones of himself. Xayvion and his clones each teleported toward one of their targets and directed an attack at them.


As both sides clashed, the force generated from their attacks created numerous cracks in their surrounding space.

Meanwhile, the clones had disappeared, and Xayvion re- emerged some distance away.

Xayvion’s eyes bulged with shock as he stumbled a few steps backward. He did not expect to be overpowered by Qairo and his comrades just now.

“Kill all of them!” Xayvion bellowed furiously.

Upon hearing his command, over ten Consummation Holy Celestial Rank cultivators standing behind Xayvion swiftly moved in James’ direction.

Saeylla immediately led five cultivators from the Shadowers to stop these men from advancing.

People were once again battling each other in that area.

Corrado fixed James with a malevolent gaze as he slowly stepped toward James.

James could sense the threatening aura coming from Corrado. He took a few steps backward instinctively.

With his hands on his back, Gustav moved to block Corrado’s path. He cast an unfeeling gaze at Corrado. ‘You need to get past me first if you want to kill him.’’ “Get lost!”

Corrado lifted his hand and conjured numerous inscriptions from his palm.

Those inscriptions layered above each other to form a gigantic ball of energy in the air.

Then, Corrado pushed his palm forward and directed the ball of energy swiftly toward Gustav.

Even Jurryt, the Great Commander of the Shadowers who fought Corrado earlier, would not try to take Corrado’s powerful attack directly.

However, Gustav seemed completely at ease as he gave a light wave of his hand in the air. A huge amount of energy was generated, and it deflected Corrado’s attack successfully.

Meanwhile, things were not looking good for Saeylla and her members.

Most of the superior cultivators on James’ side were working together to fight the Yefteros’ prince. Moreover, Quattro and Lemuel were both injured.

Yet, there were only six of them in Saeylla’s group, and they had to hold back a group of cultivators almost double their number.

Gradually, Saeylla and her comrades were getting cornered.

Just then, one of the Yeftero cultivators spotted an opening and teleported toward James.

James had placed Trevelyan back into his storage treasure, and he quickly moved backward.

At that very moment, Quattro materialized before James and stopped that cultivator from reaching James.

Just as James thought he could catch his breath, another Yeftero cultivator lunged at James to give him a lethal blow.

When they were only several meters away, Lemuel teleported and re-emerged between James and that cultivator. He unleashed the power of the Genesis Path and blocked the cultivator’s attack.

James teleported to a spot some distance away to observe the battles.

He was the most concerned about the battle against Xayvion. The Yeftero prince was the strongest among his people. They could put an end to the Yefteros if they eliminated him this time.

However, if they failed to do that, their attempt to take down the Yefteros would be considered a failure. James and his comrades might even risk losing their lives here this time.

Then, James turned his eyes to Gustav and Corrado.

Both of them were skilled cultivators with exceptional powers and abilities.

Although the two of them appeared quite evenly matched, James nonetheless noticed Gustav was slightly overpowered by Corrado.

Still, James was not that surprised since the Gustav he was looking at was merely a clone of the real Gustav.

Meanwhile, Xayvion was still holding up fairly well even though he had to fight against four opponents. It seemed Qairo and the others could not manage to subdue him despite having outnumbered Xayvion.

Moreover, Saeylla and her men were clearly about to reach their limit.

Judging by the looks of things, the situation seemed rather pessimistic for James’ side. They would lose if they continued battling in such conditions.

James furrowed his brows. It was time for him to step up and turn things around for his team

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