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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted by Eleven Jewell

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 2182

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 2182-The voice on the other end of the line wasn’t Blake’s; it belonged to a stranger.

Dahlia furrowed her brow. “Who are you? Why do you have my brother’s phone? Where is he?” “Him?” the stranger chuckled. “He’s currently here learning how to swim.”

With that, the phone was passed to someone nearby, who called out, “Hey Crosby! Your sister wants to talk to you!”

Sounds of splashing water filled the receiver, followed by Blake’s panicked voice, “Dahlia! Please, you have to save me, they’re going to kill me, Dahlia -uh- “

Before he could finish his sentence, there was a sound of something being pushed into the water, accompanied by gurgling noises.

Dahlia’s face turned pale. “What are you doing? Are you trying to kill him?” The man took the phone back, smiling. “Kill him? Mam, we are law-abiding citizens, not involved in any illegal activities. But your brother owes our boss over ten million. If the boss doesn’t get his money back, he won’t pay us our wages. We’re all waiting on this bit of money to make ends meet. Since he refuses to pay, we’re just making things happen.”

After explaining, he grabbed Blake’s head and pulled him out of the water with a splash. “Here, talk to your sister.”

Blake was terrified, unable to stand steady. His face was pale, his lips trembling, tears streaming down his face as he cried, “Dahlia! Please, you have to hurry and give them the money, they’re going to kill me…”

Dahlia’s face grew even paler. “Didn’t you say everything has been settled?

How is there still an outstanding debt of over ten million? In the past few days alone, I’ve wired you nearly thirty million. Where’s all the money gone?”

Blake stuttered, unable to answer.

Dahlia’s heart sank further. After a few seconds, she gritted her teeth. “You damn fool! Did you go gambling again?”

Blake sobbed, “I thought I could double it at the casino. I had such good luck those few days. I made almost ten million in three days, but then I don’t know what happened, I just kept losing…”

His voice trailed off as he continued, “Dahlia, I really didn’t mean it. I just wanted to win some money to make things easier for you…” “Easier my foot!” Dahlia cursed, her face pale with anger, her voice trembling. “You idiot! The company is in such a state, yet you still have the nerve to go gambling! Have you forgotten how Dad died? It’s because of you gambling he had a brain hemorrhage and died! Have you no sense at all?”

Blake was no longer a child, and being scolded by Dahlia like this was somewhat embarrassing for him. He whispered, “Kanrara was very strict about my spending, and I was about to quit. But since you kept giving me money…”

Dahlia’s face turned red with anger. “You bastard! I’m wrong for giving you money?!”

With his life currently in the hands of debt collectors, Blake dared not anger Dahlia, fearing she wouldn’t come to his rescue if provoked. He cried, “Dahlia, I’m sorry, please save me. The kids are still young. What will happen to them if something happens to me?”

Dahlia was exasperated. “When you were gambling, why didn’t you think about your children?”

The man sneered, “I have plenty of ways to make his life hell.”

With that, he hung up the phone.

When Dahlia tried calling again, the phone had already been switched off.

But Stella’s phone went unanswered.

Stella had blocked her number.

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