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DMCA Policy

Policy for DMCA on techydisney
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) is meant to keep people from stealing their work and putting it on the internet without their permission.

The law is aimed at websites where the owners don’t know who made each piece of content or that the site is a place where people can upload and publish content.

We have a policy that says we will respond to any notice of a violation and take the right steps.

This Digital Millennium Copyright Act policy applies to the “” website (“Website” or “Service”) and any of its related products and services (collectively, “Services”). It explains how this Website’s operator (“Operator”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) handles copyright infringement notifications and how you (“you” or “your”) can submit a copyright infringement complaint.

We care very much about protecting intellectual property, and we ask our users and their authorized agents to do the same. Our policy is to respond quickly to clear notices of alleged copyright violations that follow the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) of 1998. You can find the text of this law on the website of the U.S. Copyright Office.

What to think about before filing a complaint about copyright

Please note that if you’re not sure if the content you’re reporting is actually infringing, you might want to talk to a lawyer before sending us a notice.

In the copyright infringement notification, you have to give the DMCA your personal information. If you want to make sure that your personal information stays private.

Notifications of violations

If you are a copyright owner or a representative of a copyright owner and you think that any content on our Services violates your copyrights, you can send us a written copyright infringement notification (“Notification”) using the information below. This is required by the DMCA. All of these notifications must follow the rules of the DMCA.

When you file a DMCA complaint, you start a legal process that has already been set up. Your complaint will be looked at to make sure it is correct, true, and full. If your complaint meets these requirements, we may remove or limit access to the allegedly infringing material as part of our response.

If we remove or restrict access to materials or close an account in response to a Notification of alleged infringement, we will try to get in touch with the user to let them know why the materials were removed or access was limited.

No matter what this Policy says to the contrary, the Operator reserves the right to do nothing when it receives a DMCA copyright infringement notification if it doesn’t meet all of the DMCA’s requirements for such notifications.

The process outlined in this Policy doesn’t stop us from using any other options we may have to deal with a possible violation.

Changes and modifications

We reserve the right to change any part of this Policy or its terms about the Website and Services whenever we want. When we do, we’ll put a notice on the Website’s main page and send you an email to let you know. We may also send you notices in other ways, such as through the information you gave us for how to reach you.

If nothing else is said, a new version of this Policy will go into effect as soon as the new version is posted. If you keep using the Website and Services after the new Policy goes into effect (or do whatever else is asked of you at that time), that means you agree to the changes.

Reporting a copyright violation

If you want to let us know about the infringing material or activity, you can send us an email at the address below.

Write to

Please give an email response 1-2 business days.