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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

An Understated Dominance By Marina Vittori Chapter 2180

An Understated Dominance By Marina Vittori Chapter 2180-“First, you get out by yourself; second, I throw you out myself. Take your choice.” Easton stretched out two fingers and said it lazily.

“Hmph! Who do you think you are? How dare you point fingers in front of me? Are you tired of living?!” Johnny glared and yelled.

“If you don’t get out, then I will have no choice but to help you, but by then, you will inevitably break your muscles and bones and lie in bed for a year and a half.” Easton continued to pick his nostrils.

“You dare to threaten me? Do you think I’m intimidated? If you have the guts, just give it a try. I want to see how capable you are!” Johnny pointed his sword horizontally, still arrogant.

“The old man said that you must be polite before fighting. I have already said all my good words. If you are so ignorant of compliments, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Easton simply raised his hand and faced Johnny from a distance. “Thunder Method.”

After saying these two simple words, a bolt of blue lightning suddenly erupted from his fingertips, directly hitting Johnny, who was shouting.

The lightning struck with such speed that it arrived in an instant.

Before Johnny could even react, someone hit him in the chest.


There was a loud bang.

The clothes on Johnny’s upper body exploded immediately, as if a truck had struck his entire body. He was ejected more than ten meters away on the spot and then fell heavily to the ground.

“Young Master?!”

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the people in Blizzard Villa changed greatly, and they quickly gathered around.

As for the warriors watching the battle, they were secretly shocked and amazed.

They didn’t expect that a little Taoist priest from Sacred Wyrm Summit could be so powerful. With his thunder spell, he instantly killed the young owner of Blizzard Villa.

Although Johnny was a bit arrogant, he was still a half-step master.

As a result, he was beaten down when he met him, which was really a bit scary.

“Stab, sting, sting…”

Johnny lay on the ground, clenching his teeth and rolling his eyes.

At this moment, he was in ragged clothes, his chest was burnt black, his limbs were paralyzed, and he couldn’t move at all.

There was a flash of lightning on the surface of its body.

As soon as several disciples from Blizzard Villa touched Johnny, they were immediately shocked and shrank back.

“Young Villa Master? Young Villa Master?”

Everyone gathered in a circle and kept shouting, but they didn’t dare to get too close.

When the current in his body gradually disappeared, Johnny finally woke up from his paralysis.

“what happened?”

Johnny shook his head, a little confused.

Everything happened so quickly that Easton’s thunder method hit him before he could even react.

Then he briefly lost consciousness and had no memory of what had happened.

“Young Master, lightning has just struck you.”

The old man with the goatee pointed at Johnny’s chest.

Johnny looked down and found that his chest was covered in blood and flesh and was burned black. He could still vaguely smell the unique smell of meat.
In an instant, he became furious.

“What the h-e-l-l!”

Johnny slammed the ground and jumped up instantly. He raised his knife and pointed at Easton, “Smelly Taoist priest! I didn’t expect you to be so despicable. You actually carried out a sneak attack when I wasn’t paying attention. Is this your Sacred Wyrm Summit style?!”

“Sneak attack?” Hearing this, Easton couldn’t help but feel a little funny: “I acted openly and openly, so how can I attack you secretly? But I have to say, you are rough-skinned and thick-bodied. You were hit by my thunder technique, but you still stood up.”

“What kind of bullsh*t thunder method? It can’t hurt me at all! Your methods at Sacred Wyrm Summit are nothing more than this.” Johnny shouted with a glare.

“No more than that?”

Easton aimed the booger he had dug out at the ground, creating a direct hole, and then stated with composure, “To teach you a lesson, I utilized only 10% of my strength just now. If you are still stubborn, don’t. It’s my fault for being serious.”

“Hmph! Stop talking nonsense! I’m going to compete with you today!”

Johnny was not afraid at all. He turned his sword and charged directly towards Easton.

“Young Master! No!”

Everyone in Blizzard Villa was so frightened that their expressions changed, and they hurriedly stopped them, but it was already too late.

Johnny was overwhelmed with anger and couldn’t stop at all.


Johnny roared, clenched the handle of the sword with both hands, and struck Easton on the head.

“Really stubborn.”

Easton shook his head, then raised his finger and pointed it at a distance from Johnny’s knife.

A bolt of blue lightning shot out instantly and hit the blade accurately.

With a “clang” sound, the sword in Johnny’s hand broke directly. The massive impact caused Johnny to tremble and freeze in place.

Before he could make any move, Easton’s fingers erupted into a blue light again.

The blue light gathered into a ball and quickly expanded to the size of a basketball. Thunder and lightning flashed inside, containing terrifying energy.


Johnny’s expression changed.

At this moment, he finally felt the pressure. His scalp was numb, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

He suspected he would sustain serious injuries if struck.


Easton did not hesitate and lightly tapped the blue thunder ball.

The thunder ball shot out instantly and hit Johnny at an extremely fast speed.

Johnny’s eyelids twitched, and he subconsciously used his broken sword to block.


There was a loud bang.

The thunder ball directly blew the broken sword into pieces, and the terrifying energy within it suddenly exploded.

Johnny’s whole body was ejected instantly like a cannonball, flying upside down twenty or thirty meters, and then hitting a rock heavily.


There was another loud noise.
The massive rock crumbled instantly.

On the other hand, Johnny was vomiting blood on the ground; his body was like mud, and he was dying.

There were countless broken bones all over his body.


Johnny vomited blood and yelled, then his head tilted, and he fainted on the spot.

“Young Master!”

The people from Blizzard Villa hurriedly rushed forward, feeding him pills in a hurry.

“Don’t worry, he won’t die yet, but he won’t be able to get out of bed within half a year.” Easton replied calmly.


The old man with the goatee gritted his teeth and wanted to have an attack, but he didn’t dare.

He could only order someone to lift Johnny up and then leave in despair.

This time, not only Blizzard Villa but also all the sects present had a deep understanding of the power of the Sacred Wyrm Summit.

Just one thunder method was enough to make people look up to him.

Sure enough, only a fool would think of provoking the Sacred Wyrm Summit.

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